Our kind of peopleAmerica’s black upper class and Black Lives MatterThe United States is also home to the biggest group of highly successful black folk in the world 米国の黒人上流社会とBlack Lives Matter <全文和訳> ローレンス・オーティス…
Kamala HarrisWhat Kamala says about JoeJoe Biden’s choice of running-mate reflects well on him カマラ・ハリスはバイデンにとって順当な選択 youtu.be <全文和訳> 民主党のジョー・バイデン大統領候補のこれまでの戦略は、可能な限り余計な手出しを…
The absent studentCovid-19 will be painful for universities, but also bring changeThey need to rethink how and what they teach 新型コロナウィルスが大学にもたらす痛みと改革 The Economist August 8, 2020: Leaders: The absent student <全文和…
How to cope with middle ageGoogle has outgrown its corporate cultureIt is time to learn from its elders 自らのカルチャーの転換点に立つグーグル:先達に学ぶ時が来た The Economist August 1, 2020: Leaders: Google's mid-life crisis <全文和訳>…